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What is fisting ?

Fisting is the sexual practice that involves the insertion of a hand in a vagina or a rectum, simply motivated by the quest of pleasure. Deep, wide, punches, it comes in many shapes and flavors for everyone to enjoy.

Despite the idea of pain that sustains in the general opinion, fisting is fundamentally not a sadomasochistic act. It requires the receiver’s body to be relaxed and willing. It brings beginners to new frontiers of joy. Those who experience orgasms through fisting usually get hooked and rarely go back to ‘regular’ sex. Because if feels that good, it never is a punishment.

The stretching discomfort that comes first will be avoided by a progressive exploration. The communication between the partners is essential, whether it’s expressed with words, body language or simply eye contact. The receiver and the giver are equals and a trusting connection between them is key to a successful hole opening. It can’t be rushed and never forced. During a session, the top should watch, listen and be attentive to the fistee.

Because it induces a lot of preparation (cleaning can be time consuming), some will appreciate a fisting session once in a while, when others will adopt fisting as a way of life (training daily, playing several days in a row, join community events such as Folsom in Berlin or San Francisco, etc.). Whatever the kind of fister we are, pleasure always come first. It is all about sharing. To give and spread the fun inside and around us. No place for judgment or competition.

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